When ‘delicate’ subjects such as religion are thrown up for discussion and it goes against it, the religious climes are heated up and this is often seen as rebellion (MOST ESPECIALLY IN THIS OVERLY RELIGIOUS AFRICA), and the majority of people get aggressively defensive.
This is not due to the fact that they are informed or know the truth about the subject; the reverse is in fact, the case. They hide their ignorance behind the mask of arrogance. One major thing about some of these people is that they are not only ignorant about their history, they also blatantly reject vivid facts and are scientifically and technologically lazy to do research.
Just because these things have been passed down to us by whomever and for a long time doesn't make them any true.
Most people and religion believe in a supreme creator (as do I) and also believe in a mediator of some sort through whom they reach their creator. What is found to be ULTIMATELY AMUSING AND DISGUSTINGLY ANNOYING is the fact that my Africa is blind and has opted to be so by wittingly denying pure crystal clear truth.
In China, the mediator(s) or their God looks Chinese. In India, their God looks Indian. In Europe, their God looks European. Even in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece and others. Zeus has the semblance of a Greek and Horus the semblance of an Egyptian and so it is for the rest of the world as it relates to them. But, it is only in Africa you have a mediator or God who looks completely different from the people. And then, they are told not to question anything whatsoever.
In the words of Marcus Garvey; A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
And when this fundamental truth is brought to them, they outrightly without thoughts dispel this or feel unconcerned. They tell you “’God’ is not a ‘God’ of color” or it doesn’t matter. But it seems that the black man is the only one that does not see this as a mind-control mechanism.
This has the likeness of growing up in a family where your parents do not look like you in any way and you having common sense, but you are either told or refuse to ask the very obvious questions.
How do you worship somebody's 'God' and not subtly worship the person? Just so simple, the brain works by association...Yes, that is how the brain works.
But then, how do you explain this to these sets of people who are miracle hungry and filled with fear;
Educated/literate,poor/rich, and deeply religious
Uneducated/illiterate,poor/rich,and deeply religious
Uneducated/illiterate,lazy thinkers, poor/rich, and deeply religious
Educated/literate and lazy thinkers, poor/rich, and deeply religious?
They are bound to brush aside whatever facts you show and truths you present. Yet, these are youths who ought to know better, leverage on the internet and other sources of information present today!
This goes far beyond sad and Africa needs to wake up from her slumber!!!
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