Thursday, 10 March 2016


There is a new Africa that must emerge! This is not one that we ask for, as it has become obvious over time that it will not be given to us. It is not one that we will wait for to happen by itself either, as life has shown us time and again that it only gives what is DEMANDED of it (consciously).

The Africa that I speak of is one that we must deliberately, carefully, and thoughtfully craft by the works of our minds and our hands. One that will thrive on excellent African-borne ideas and innovations. One wherein we will write, read, and show our culture, history, people to the world by ourselves. One that we must take pride in our people, fashion, businesses, products, lands etcetera.
As glaring as it is across Africa, our predecessors have failed us on a large scale, and if we must not fail our successors, then we must roll up our sleeves and be ready to work out the bright future of our continent, as this means real business.

The mind remains the most powerful tool in possession of all humans, regardless of colour, race, tribe, geographical location, family background, or wealth. We must begin to teach our young ones how to use this weapon in the right manner. For when used the wrong way, it produces the wrong results, history has facts of this. And, as the sage of the age says it, "as a man thinks, so is he".
We must begin to EDUCATE our youth on how to navigate this life that is given to us and how to make the most of it.

One area that needs utmost attention is SELF WORTH and NET WORTH. Our youths must know their (self)worth and how this first and foremost affects their every actions and 'inactions'. And then, how to gather net worth  and the transference of wealth down the lineage, from one generation to another in order to continue the amassing of it. Our youth must also learn the use of these aforementioned and the wrong use will amount to destruction.

Lets join hands and furthermore, join minds in transforming our continent. This has worked for others, it will work for us as long as we are ready to work out our success.

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